The DTW has arrived!

I’m the president of the CT Chapter of Dodge Truck World and an active participant on the site’s fourm boards. Our trip to St. Louis is to attend the National Get Together (or DTW-NGTG as some people refered to it).

Just before 10PM, we found ourselves back over at the Drury Inn (official hotel of the meet) and with a quick lap of the lot, we were greeted by Shaun (HearingYourLies) who informed us, everyone has been waiting for us to get there. After parking the truck, we made our way into the hotel and over to the pool were we gere loudly greeted by a number of DTW members (most of whom had coolers on wheels), a half dozen empty pizza boxes and a whole bunch of empty beer cans and bottles. Spent some time with introductions and a bunch of us decided it was time to move the party over to “Hotshots” a bar just down the road.

We had a good time conversing with my DTW friends. Got to meet Frenzy and David who both flew over from Belgium to attend the meet. All evening, drinks just kept magically appearing in front of us as people just kept buying round after round. Thanks to everyone who bought us drinks.
Bill (Ramzilla) and Filip (Frenzy) with Bill’s new Manbag.
DirtyJay and Walt at the bar.
Amber (JZGirl) and Bill (Ramzilla)

It’s little after 1:30AM and we are finally making our way from the bar back to the campground.

This is going to be a fun meet!