After the show

A bunch of us went back to the Drury Inn for an evening of

First off, Gary and myself took a few moments to capture a few photos of our trucks in the parking lot.

Then a little side trip back over to Hotshots for some libations.

The was an incident involving Mustard that I can’t go into detail about because I took an oath to protect the identity of those involved.

Frenzy (Filip) the Crazy Drunken Belgian

Queen JZGirl holds court in room 304. Bless Her Heart! Later on, Hotel management had to intervene because of noise complaints.

On that thought, Ingrid and I were schooled in proper southern etiquette. It is perfectly acceptable to say anything about a southern girl and long as you follow up with the phrase “Bless her Heart”. For example “She had all those little babies from all those different gentelmen, Bless her Heart!”
Photos of the drunken Belgians have been omitted to protect the not so innocent. But I will add, in hindsight, asking someone to toss you a beer might be interpreted differently by someone from Belgium. David has quite an arm and Brad can really catch.